Wednesday, November 02, 2005

New Day Dawning

John Markoff's recent article "The Time Is Now: Bust Up the Box!" made some interesting observations that I suspect many investors aren't thinking deeply about yet. Here is some food for thought:

"This is new computational science," said Edward Lazowska, a computer scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle. In the future, he said, science will be based on data flowing across computer networks that can then be visualized and mined."

Sounds like a paradigm shift to me.

"People have spoken about how computer networks have flattened the world, said Larry Smarr, an astrophysicist who is director of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology. But it's more than that, disctance is vanishing and the world is now shrinking to a single point."

Sounds like a singularity event to me.

"A new computing era is clearly dawning. So far, the new epoch of computing has been described as grid computing, on-demand computing, utility computing, the planetary computer and Web 2.0. Although the titles are different, they are all efforts to describe an age that will be a fundamental break from earlier computing generations."

Sounds like Mr. Markoff is on to something big!

"Can you blow up the computer machine room and spread it over the surface of the planet?" Mr. Smarr said. "This is really happening."

You got that right!


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